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Tambi�n podemos consultar la traducci�n y pronunciaci�n de cualquier palabra utilizando el traductor online que nos ofrece LINGRO.COM. Pulsa ESTA VENTANA EMERGENTE para abrir una ventana emergente y AQU� para  acceder desde una p�gina normal.




 Stand up and Sit down form Patch

 Everybody stand up! (Todos se ponen de pie)

Stand up, stand up!

Everybody stand up!

Just like me! (Se apuntan con el dedo a s� mismos)

 Everybody sit down! (Todos se ponen de pie)

Sit  down, Sit down!

Everybody sit down

Just like me! (Se apuntan con el dedo a s� mismos)


Stand up and Sit down from Patch (extended version)

Everybody stand up! (Todos se ponen de pie)

Stand up, stand up!

Everybody stand up!

Just like me! (Se apuntan con el dedo a s� mismos)


Everybody march now! (Todos se ponen a andar a ritmo de marcha)

March now, march now!

Everybody march now!

Just like me!


Everybody dance now! (Todos se ponen a bailar)

Dance now, dance now!

Everybody dance now!

Just like me!


Everybody tiptoe! (Todos se ponen a andar de puntillas)

Tiptoe, tiptoe!

Everybody tiptoe!

Just like me!


Everybody sit down! (Todos  se sientan)

Sit down, sit down

Everybody sit down!

Just like me!




Put Your Bottom on the Rug (Melody: "If you’re happy and you know It")

Put your bottom on the rug, on the rug

Put your bottom on the rug, on the rug

Put your bottom on the rug,

And give yourself a hug,

Put your bottom on the rug, on the rug.



Everybody Sit Down (Tune:  Shortenin' Bread

Everybody sit down, sit down, sit down.

Everybody sit down on the floor.

Not on the ceiling,

Not on the door,

Not on each other

But on the floor.


Everybody sit down, sit down, sit down.

Everybody sit down on a mat.

Not on a dog and not on a cat,

not on each other but on a mat.



Please sit down on the rug (Melody: “If you’re happy”)

Please sit down on the rug, on the rug!

Please sit down on the rug, on the rug!

Please sit down on the rug and give yourself a hug!

Please sit down on the rug, on the rug!


We are waiting (Melody: “Frère Jacques”)

We are waiting, we are waiting

Please sit down, please sit down

Come sit on the carpet, come sit on the carpet

Please sit down, please down