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Who wants to play? (Rhyme)

Who wants to play?

(El profesor se enc�ge de hombros con las palmas de las manos hacia arriba.)

Who wants to play?

Hands up! (el profesor levanta la mano)

Hands up

Who wants to play



You’ve got to say please (Rhyme)

You've got to say please, (todos los niños/a contestan please)

You got to say thank you. (todos los niños/as contestan Thank you)

Just got to say please,

Got to say thank you.

Got to say please, thank you,

You're welcome very much.



Thank (Melody: "If You're Happy and You Know It"9

When my grandpa gives me something,

I say "thank you".

When my grandma gives me something,

I say "thank you".

I can see it makes them happy

When I say it so politely

Yes, good manners mean to always

say "thank you"!



I'm Sorry (Rhyme)

If I spill my drink at lunch

I say "I'm sorry".

When I break something of yours

I say "I'm sorry".

I can see it makes you happy

When I say to so politely.

Yes, good manners mean to always

say "I'm sorry"!



Excuse Me (Rhyme)

If I bump into someone

I say "excuse me".

If I need to interrupt

I say "excuse me".

I can see it makes people happy

When I say it so politely

Yes, good manners mean to always

Say "excuse me"!



I have super manners (Melody: "I'm a Little Teapot")

I have super manners. Yes, I do.

I can say "Please," and "Thank You," too.

When I play with friends, I like to share.

That's the way I show I care!



Table Manners (Melody: "Frère Jacques")

Chewing quietly, chewing quietly

Do not slurp, do not slurp,

We must say excuse me,

We must say excuse me

When we burp,

When we burp.



We say, "Thank you. We say, "Please." (Melody: "Twinkle, twinkle star")

We say, "Thank you. We say, "Please."

We don't interrupt, We don't tease.

We don't argue. We don't fuss.

We listen when folks talk to us.

We share our toys, we take our turn

Good manners are easy for us to learn.



How Nice (Melody: "How Dry I Am")

How nice I am; I've learned to be.

I raise my hand before I speak.

How nice I am; I've learned to be.

Sit in my chair most properly.

How nice I am; my best I do.

I use the words "please" and "thank you."


How nice I am; try to be kind.

I wait my turn and stay in line.


How nice I am; I've learned to be.

I say, "Sorry" and "Excuse me!"


How nice I am here at my school.

I try to live "The Golden Rule."


When you talk to people (Melody: "Did you ever see a lassie?")

When you talk to people

You should have good manners

When you talk to people

You should be polite.

When they say "Thank You"

Then you say "You're welcome"

When you talk to people

You should be polite.



Good manners is thinking of others (Melody: "My Bonnie lies over the ocean"

Good manners is thinking of others,

Good manners is doing what's right

Good manners is thinking of others

Good manners always feel right.

Helping, caring,

Sharing with you today, today

Kindness, honesty

Sharing with you today.



Polite words will always do (Melody "The Muffin Man")

Please and thank you, how are you

Polite words will always do.

Friends feel good and you will too.

I can use them. how 'bout you?



Manners are the way (Melody: "The Farmer in the Dell")

Manners are the way

To brighten up my day

Please and thank you's what I say

To brighten up my day.



Please And Thank (Melody: "Frère Jacques")

Please and Thank You

Please and Thank You

Sounds so nice

Sounds so nice

Manners are important

Manners are important

Be Polite

Be Polite



The Good Manners� Show (Melody: " Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush")

body: This is the show, the good manners� show

the good manners� show, the good manners� show.

This is the show, the good manners� show,

come and see it today!


This is the way we knock at the door,

we knock at the door, we knock at the door.

This is the way we knock at the door,

and we say hello to you!


This is the way we ask for something,

we ask for something, we ask for something.

This is the way we ask for something

saying please and thank you!


This is the way we play in the playground,

we play in the playground, we play in the playground.

This is the way we play in the playground,

Sharing and being good friends!




Using your hands (Rhyme)

Look at the bottom

Look at the top

If they’re not clean we'll have to stop

Go to the sink and wash them again

And when they are clean we may began