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Tambi�n podemos consultar la traducci�n y pronunciaci�n de cualquier palabra utilizando el traductor online que nos ofrece LINGRO.COM. Pulsa ESTA VENTANA EMERGENTE para abrir una ventana emergente y AQU� para  acceder desde una p�gina normal.



Shake hands with friend. (Melody: "Skip to my Lou")

Shake hands with friends coz it's time to go

Shake hands with friends coz it's time to go

Shake hands with friends coz it's time to go

I hope I'll see you on … (say next day you will meet)



Hi-Ho Hi-Ho Off To Home! (Melody: "Hi-ho Hi-ho")

Hi-ho hi-ho, it's off to home we go,

We'll come and play another day Hi-ho hi-ho!


Hi-ho hi-ho, it's off to home we go,

We'll get on the bus without a fuss Hi-ho hi-ho!


A different Spanish version:

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, la hora ya lleg�*

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, a casa vuelvo yo

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho


Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, a casa vuelvo yo

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, heigh-ho

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho, el d�a ya acab�

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho


School is over (Melody: "Frère Jacques")

School is over, school is over,

Time to go home, time to go home,

I'll see you tomorrow; I'll see you tomorrow,

Bye, bye, bye; bye, bye, bye!

Wave good-bye; wave good-bye.


We are leaving (Melody: "Frère Jacques")

We are leaving; We are leaving

To our house; To our house

Today is … (decir el d�a actual)

Tomorrow is …  (decir el siguiente d�a)

Have a nice day; Have a nice day


Wave goodbye to everybody (Melody: "Frère Jacques")

Goodbye children; Goodbye teachers,

It's time to go; Our day is done.

Wave goodbye to everybody

We'll see you all tomorrow,

When we learn and play

With our friends.


Goodbye, children (Melody: “Where is Thumbkin?”)

Teacher: Goodbye, children

Children: Goodbye, teacher.

Teacher: I'll see you soon.

Children: We'll see you soon.

Teacher: See you next on (decir el nombre del siguiente d�a de clase).

Children: See you next on …

Teacher: We'll work and play.

Children: We'll work and play.

(Hemos cantado varias canciones “goodbye” pero esta parece ser la favorita)


It's Off to Lunch We (Melody: "The Farmer in the Dell")

It's off to lunch we go,

It's off to lunch we go.

The food taste very yummy,